Residents of North Carolina need to evaluate their insurance needs now and then. Even after buying the standard policy for your car, home or business, it is good to determine whether the policy gives you adequate protection. If it does not, consider purchasing umbrella insurance for extra protection. An umbrella insurance policy comes to the rescue after you have exhausted your policy. To make it easy for you, Navigate Agency walks you through what umbrella insurance covers.
If you cause injuries to a third party, your standard insurance policy will cover those expenses. However, if the costs exceed your policy's limit, umbrella insurance will help pay for the additional liability, saving you financial responsibility. This can be injuries from car accidents, guests getting injured at your home, or your pet biting the guest.
If you cause damage to someone's property and your standard policy cannot cover the whole expense, umbrella insurance will cover what is left. This can be the payment needed to repair someone's vehicle, a fence, or a guest's property that was damaged in your home.
As a landlord, you may face liability claims if a tenant is injured and you are at fault. For instance, if a tenant gets injured due to structural issues, they can sue you for damages. Umbrella insurance can help cover medical expenses and legal fees.
Daily claims are often excluded from central policies, meaning you will need to buy additional coverage. Umbrella insurance can help you here as it covers claims like slander, libel, and malicious prosecution. If you get sued for false imprisonment or mental anguish, the policy can help cover the legal fees.